Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Negotiations in the Euro Crises (main negotiations and decisions from Research Paper
Exchanges in the Euro Crises (primary dealings and choices from the earliest starting point until today) - Research Paper Example Nations, for example, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain famously known as the PIGS delighted in modest credit in the worldwide capital markets. In addition, the EU bolstered these nations by offering basic assets. Moreover, the nations acquired vigorously from the worldwide capital markets. In spite of the fact that ventures expanded in the PIGS, there was inevitable increment in lodging costs. Also, the economies turned out to be less serious. Subsequently, the nations experienced monetary emergency coming about because of exorbitant obligations. This exposition centers around the arrangements in the Euro Crises and the choices produced using the start of the emergency until today. The 2007 budgetary emergency, which influenced different locales of the world, brought about breakdown of the worldwide money related markets. In 2009, the emergency heightened with the declining of the Greece obligation circumstance. The emergency spread to include political just as financial emergenc y in the whole Eurozone. This has undermined the changelessness of the European Union. The difficulties confronting the Eurozone remember expanded credits and open shortfalls for a portion of the Eurozone nations, the destabilized European financial framework, monetary downturn, and determined uneven characters in the exchanging frameworks the Eurozone. Furthermore, the business declined step by step in many nations in the Eurozone, particularly the PIGS. ... Following this emergency, a few gatherings, and conversations were held among government official, researchers, and businesspersons over the world and particularly in the Eurozone. The conversation and gatherings planned for dissecting the emergency and approaches to determine it and forestall such event later on. The emergency began with decay of money related frameworks in a portion of the country in the Euro zone. This came about in bailouts for nations, for example, Greece, which was the primary country to get help from International Monetary store and the European Union. This was trailed by bailouts for different nations, for example, Ireland. Also, more nations particularly the more fragile economies in Eurozone have kept on requesting for bailout. Be that as it may, a few nations, for example, Greece and Ireland are confronting moves identified with European financial just as the money related association (Cooper Web; Bastasin 20-25). One of the significant reasons for the exp ansion of the emergency is the absence of enthusiasm by most EU individuals on the dynamic procedures. Additionally, most economies settled on choices dependent on suspicion. Some expected that the Greek bonds were like German bonds as far as peril. The supposition that was grounded on the way that Greek and Germany have comparable money. The suspicions influenced the members in the security advertise who neglected to comprehend the distinction in intensity and inside politic of the diverse Euro zone nations and impact of such factors on the economy. Notwithstanding, this has changed and arrangement inside the Eurozone has brought about foundation of various loan cost charges for the various nations in the Euro Zone (Nelson, Belkin and Mix 1-5). In June,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Coco Chanel Essay
Coco Chanel Coco Chanel was one of the most conspicuous style fashioners of the twentieth century. Her commitment in the advancement of style can scarcely be belittled. Truth be told, she altered style as it were, since she was one of the primary design planners who made ladies consider themselves first instead of think what they look like for their men, which was a conventional view on female design at the age. In reality, the noteworthiness and her extraordinary commitment in the improvement of design just as twentieth century culture everywhere was set apart by her peers just as current authorities. For example, she was the main individual in the field of style configuration to be named on TME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of the twentieth Century (Charles-Roux, 145). In such a manner, she increased an open endorsement and fame which made her name one of the most conspicuous in the style world. Simultaneously, her life was very troublesome, particularly during her initial years and war timespans. Truth be told, she saw two universal wars yet she continued working paying little heed to all the issues and difficulties she looked in her life. Indeed, her work was her actual enthusiasm she stayed gave to from her initial life until the end. Gabrielle Bonheur â€Å"Coco†Chanel was conceived on August 19, 1883. She was a second girl of voyaging sales rep Albert Chanel and Jeanne Devolle in a little city of Saumur, France (Orecklin, 49). Indeed, her family was poor and she was brought up in neediness stricken neighborhood alongside her five kin. Surprisingly, when she got her introduction to the world endorsement her name incorrectly spelled â€Å"Chasnel†on the grounds that no one realized how to spell Chanel effectively. Subsequently, the chairman of the city needed to extemporize and included the letter â€Å"S†in her name, which later turned into a difficult issue for her biographers, who couldn't follow her inception and characterize genealogical tree due to such a mistake in her name (Orecklin, 51). In any case, the incorrect spelling of her name was certainly not the greatest hardship that happened to her in her initial life. She lived in neediness and was essentially of a chance to get decent training. Additionally, when she was twelve, her mom passed on of tuberculosis that incited a genuine mental injury for the kid. Simultaneously, her dad couldn't remain with the kids constantly. He needed to work to acquire for living and to keep up the family, in which he was the main provider. This is the reason Coco Chanel was sent to the shelter of the Catholic cloister of Aubazine, where she went through seven years and where she got her essential training. Truth be told, it is in the religious community she took in the exchange of sewer. Be that as it may, she didn't invest all the energy in the religious community. During the get-aways she went to her family members in a common city, where her female family members trained her to sew with more prosper than the nuns in the cloister had the option to illustrate. In such a manner, her advantage, her energy to configuration had begun to create since her adolescence as she figured out how to sew and continuously she turned out to be skilful in this field. Now, it ought to be said that she was clearly a talented individual since she figured out how to build up her aptitudes and capacities to the degree that she became capable not exclusively to make customary wear, yet she end up being ready to investigation and find new, unique arrangements, which were strange for her time (Dwight, 119). In any case, at the early began to show her ability, which however was youthful at the age. By and by, her expert information, to a critical degree, characterized her further life, as her first occupation was the work at a nearby tailor, where she was utilized at eighteen years old as she left the halfway house. Actually, it was her initial phase in her expert vocation unimportant it is by all accounts, yet at the same time it was significant with respect to her future expert profession since she could have scarcely locate an alternate work. In addition, it was the main work where she could understand her maximum capacity and actualize her innovative thoughts while growing new wear. Simultaneously, it ought to be said that she was unable to manage the cost of working at a tailor for quite a while on the grounds that she expected to understand her thoughts and she needed to make garments of her own. Be that as it may, she could barely go into business, on the off chance that she had neglected to meet Etienne Balsan at the tailor’s shop where Coco Chanel worked. Truth be told, it was a periodic experience which however grew out of into a relationship which opened Chanel the path to another, extraordinary and better life. Etienne Balsan was rich and very powerful. It is during her existence with Balsan, Coco Chanel began to configuration caps. From the outset, it was only a leisure activity which slowly changed into a genuine energy for planning new dress things, particularly caps, where she developed increasingly capable. Her initial works were portrayed by high inventiveness since they were very not the same as customary caps. Simultaneously, the high caliber of her items pulled in a great deal of clients, while her associate with Balsan permitted her to draw in clients speaking to the privileged of the French society (Charles-Roux, 210). By and by, her relationship with Balsan neglected to develop into a genuine romance. At any rate, their connections didn't keep going for a significant stretch of time and Coco Chanel left Balsan, moved to Paris and assumed control over his loft in the French capital. In 1913, she opened her first shop, where she sold chic waterproof shells and coats. Surprisingly, the innovation and nature of her wear added to the enormous achievement of her shop which permitted her to keep up generally exclusive expectations of life and she turned out to be well known in Paris, which, at the age, was one of the world’s focuses of the style business. Be that as it may, the improvement of her business in Paris was dominated by the flare-up of World War I, which began in 1914 and influenced the life of the whole nation drastically (Charles-Roux, 219). By the by, Coco Chanel had never quit working and kept structuring new items which despite everything stayed well known and the interest for her wear was generally high. In any case, she needed to stop her business in Paris since she was denied of every one of her properties. All things considered, Coco Chanel was not debilitated and carried on her expert work and planning turned into a basic piece of her life. Then again, she could live with her thoughts as it were. She required cash to gain to look after living. In such manner, the help of Balsan’s companion, Arthur â€Å"Boy†Capel end up being exceptionally useful for Coco Chanel. Their kinship advanced into a relationship which made them exceptionally close and Capel helped Coco Chanel to open another shop in Brittany, France, which, correspondingly to the shop in Paris, turned out to be extremely well known among neighborhood clients (Weber, 35). It merits referencing the way that observed French on-screen characters purchase wear in Chanels’ shop which was significant for the limited time battle of her shop. Truth be told, the enthusiasm of big names to her shop added to the developing ubiquity of her items and her plan in France that added to her expert acknowledgment, while the fame permitted her to extend her business consistently. Because of her prevalence, she figured out how to present new women’s sportswear at her new boutique in Deauville. In such a manner, she could extend her business, be that as it may, what was considerably increasingly significant, Coco Chanel changed the way of thinking of women’s wear. To put it all the more accurately, her new structure and new wear made ladies sure of the way that they should dress for themselves however not for their men. Actually, it was a progressive way of thinking for France just as the whole world at the age of World War I, when the ominance of men was unchallengeable, while the advancement of woman's rights was as yet irrelevant (Charles-Roux, 248). In any case, the structure and new way of thinking of Chanel delivered a critical effect on the improvement of design and the twentieth century culture on the loose. Surprisingly, as Coco Chanel developed increasingly more mainstream she endeavored to change a few realities from quite a while ago. For example, she professed to be conceived in 1893, rather than 1883, while she demanded that she lost her mom at six years old, rather than twelve. In such a manner, she made a sort of lamentable picture of a vagrant young lady, who figured out how to make a gigantic progress due her ability and difficult work. Simultaneously, such controls with her past evoked various debates which were unconquerable for her biographers. This is the reason a few subtleties of her history are still very disputable and indistinct. The 1920s were the age of the quick advancement of Coco Chanel as an originator and her business grew effectively. Her structure was extremely interesting and her wear was exceptionally mainstream in France just as in different nations. In this regard, it merits referencing the way that her associate with Vera Bate Lombardi, a girl of Adolphus Cambridge, first Marquess of Cambridge and Duke of Teck, happened to a principal significance for Chanel’s realm. Truth be told, Vera Lombardi became Chanel’s dream and advertising contact to various European regal families, including the British imperial family. Her colleague with agents of illustrious families and privileged societies added to her domain development in power. Therefore, before World War II, Chanel’s was one of the most compelling creators in Europe just as the world, since Europe, particularly Paris, where Coco Chanel lived in the Hotel Ritz Paris, was the core of the world’s style structure (Barringer, 28). Be that as it may, World War II constrained Coco Chanel to stop her work and business. By the by, she stayed in Paris in any event, during the German occupation. This period in her life was presumably the most dubious in light of the fact that, after the war, she was more than once blamed for collaborationism. For example, she was suspected
Sunday, August 2, 2020
A word about official documents COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
A word about official documents COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog We are getting ready to release our 2015 application and some of the wording came into question What do we mean dont mail transcripts to our office when you are submitting an application? This does not mean we dont want to see them or that they are not reviewed by the Admissions Committee. Actually, contrary to what we say about not sending your transcripts, we actually do need to receive official transcripts. eventually. If you are admitted and decide to enroll at SIPA, official documents must be mailed and received by us before you may register for classes. However, as an applicant, you may scan and upload unofficial transcripts to your application. Your application will be reviewed with your unofficial records. And you may be admitted with these records. However, in order to enroll, we will need to verify your documents. So please have your university or college send us official copies of your academic records (after you have been admitted). This also applies to GRE, GMAT, TOEFL and IELTS scores. These can all be entered by you into the application for review but again, they will need to be checked and verified with official records from ETS, GMAC, and the Cambridge Assessment Organization if you decide to enroll at SIPA. Allowing you to upload and enter information into your application, allows us to process your application without unnecessary delays, then we can send them off to the Admissions Committee for review so the fun may begin. We offer enrolling students a few months to request and send in their official documents so no need to panic Unless youre a procrastinator and wait until a few weeks before Orientation (when course registration occurs). Our Office of Student Affairs will put a hold on your account if we do not have a record of your official documents so you will not be able to register for classes and isnt one of the main reasons for coming here to take classes? Key point: Scan and upload unofficial documents for application review but dont delay in having official documents sent to the Office of Admissions if you are admitted and plan to enroll.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Outline Of A Project Strategic Management - 1625 Words
MGMT6054- Project Strategic Management NAME: Osamudiamen Amadasun TEAM NAME: Fortitude DATE: September 28th 2015 PROFESSOR: David McKenna TITLE: Group, Stakeholder List MODULE: 3 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this project is to identify and outline at least fifteen stakeholders that would be involved with the construction of a bridge from Port Stanley to Cleveland and a brief description how each stakeholder listed influences or is influenced by this project. A stakeholder is defined as a group of individuals who play an important role in the execution of a project. They are impacted by the project and can contribute to either the success or failure of the project. Examples of stakeholders in a project would include project manager,†¦show more content†¦4 US and Canadian Government The US and Canadian government are very important stakeholders in this project because it deals with leaving the shores of their country. They must agree with one another their support is very vital to the success of the project which they cancel or suspend at any time. The government’s area of interest would be how the construction of the bridge would improve the economic growth of the country. 5 The Media Media also are stakeholders because through them information about the construction of the bridge goes to population. If the media provides bad feedback or no feedback at all, this will, probably, change opinion of masses against bridge building. So we can say their area of interest would be providing status of the project to the Citizens. 6 Bridge Users or commuters These are those who would commute using the bridge to crossover to the border. They are not very important when it comes to the implementation of the project. That is they have no say when it comes to making decisions about the project. Their specific area of interest is to know how safe the bridge would be to drive on and the traffic impacts that might occur. 7 Investors These are Individuals, groups or organizations that allocate capital for the execution of the project. They could affect the project if there is a delay in the release of funds or if sufficient funds are not provided by them. Their specific area of interest would be to begin reapShow MoreRelatedWhy Project Managers Need to Understand Business Strategy and the Strategic Management Process?1708 Words  | 7 Pages1) Introduction This report is produced to study the importance of aligning Project Management with Business Strategy and Strategic Business Process. Fundamentally, all Project Managers must have full comprehension of the bigger picture of an organization Business Strategy and its functional level game plan. This would help them with project operational level decision making as well alignment of projects alignment with corporate mission. . 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Monday, May 11, 2020
News Report From The Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Reporter: We have some breaking news to report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We have just been informed that long time economist and Professor Paul Samuelson has passed away at the age of 94 after battling an undisclosed illness. Samuelson has impacted the school of MIT greatly as he is a contributor to their highly prestigious economic department. His independent influence in economics has also been wide spread and will continue to be long-standing in the field of economics. We will now tune into a live coverage of Samuelson’s most recognized understudy, Corey Jenkins, as we will hear his reaction to the unfortunate death followed by a quick, informative QA with the media. Corey: Thank you all for coming out today and†¦show more content†¦Even though Samuelson was considered a modern economist, he did not follow the current trend of specializing in a specific facet of economics, yet was considered a generalist and impacted many areas of economics such as consumer behavior, inflation, finance, international trade, business cycles and countless other areas. His most recognized work is found in his book on the Foundations of Economic Analysis which he published in 1947. The work attempts to identify and formulate the unifying and underlying general economic theories which enables the connection among varying aspects of individual theories. Basically, he attempted to find general equilibrium conditions and formulas that were derived from similar principles of differing economic theories. He was the first American to win the Nobel Prize in 1970 for his work in increasing the analytical level of economics. Some of his conceptual theories and mathematical models that enhanced dynamic economic analysis were revealed preference, the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model, and the multiplier accelerator model. Many of his contributions also apply directly to welfare economics which was an upcoming economic field during the span of his work. He was considered one of the first mathematical economists and critiqued previous thinkers for not attempting to analyze the laws they claimed existed, yet just establishing the concept and believing it works based on continuous trial and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Tattoos in the Workplace Free Essays
Tattoos In The Workplace Sarah Jo Phillips COM/150 December 19, 2009 Kathleen D’Aprix In some professions, having visible tattoos is completely taboo and in others it is not only accepted, but embraced. What it boils down to is the level of trust the job requires. Tattoos can mean nothing to an observer, or they could mean everything. We will write a custom essay sample on Tattoos in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now Those in professional industry such as doctors, lawyers and teachers are expected to be professionals and dress in a certain manor. The most basic mistake new employees make is under dressing,†says Randall Hansen, a professor of business at Stetson University in Deland, Fla. â€Å"If unsure, dress conservatively. The best way to avoid a problem is to understand the corporate culture,†(Reeves). Dressing conservatively means to not display yourself outlandishly or draw too much attention. Tattoos are like a piece of clothing that cannot be taken off. A doctor or lawyer or investment banker deals with a lot of money and appearance says a lot about a person. A client or patient probably would not put too much trust or money in someone that looks like a biker. On that same token, in a body shop or at a factory displaying a tattoo is not such a no-no. In these manual labor professions, it is often hot, sweaty, physically taxing work and short sleeves are the norm in which case some tattoos will be visible most of the time. What about those high powered attorneys that do have tattoos? â€Å"It’s a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ understanding,†says Boston lawyer Dave Kimelberg, who works as general counsel for a venture capital firm. Kimelberg sticks to tattoos he can easily conceal under clothing at work  in his case, three-quarter â€Å"ink sleeves†that extend from each shoulder to the middle of his forearms but allow him to roll up his shirt sleeves on warm days,†(Goodman). This example is the most effective way to deal with the issue. Instead of making it a controversial subject, just keep them covered up. With the changing times, how much have employers really changed their way of thinking? In the past, a suit and tie was the appropriate attire for going to work in most professions. Women were supposed to wear dresses if they even had a job. Now, the general workplace is more casual. Most places that require a professional dress code allow just about any type of shirt as long as it has a collar. In many cases, gone are the days of having a starched white shirt and tie, now a basic polo shirt is the norm. That being said, a job is done by a person, not by what they look like. However, â€Å"the laws still tend to support employer dress code/appearance policies in general and employers retain some flexibility in creating rules that require employees to present themselves in a way that is consistent with the employer’s image,†(Gross). Possibly the greatest example of this swing in attire is in the big time retail sales industry. Fifty years ago it would be unheard of if a salesman at a major department store went to work without a tie, if not a jacket. Today, places like Sears, Macy’s, Dillard’s, etc only require a polo shirt with the company insignia on it. The service industry is not about personal appearance; it is about getting things done. Employees in the service industry are given more freedom in their dress code because appearance is not everything. If something breaks, the customer wants it fixed right and done fast. As long as those two criteria are met, they could care less what the technician looks like. On the other hand, would you trust the brain surgeon that has tattoos across his knuckles? Probably not. That is because there is a lot more trust put into that surgeon than there is in that mechanic. In white collar professions tattoos can prevent clientele from using your business. If you walked into your child’s third grade class and saw that the teacher had tattoos on his hands, chances are you would probably not like it very much. In white collar society tattoos are still a taboo that most are not willing to test. The image that comes to mind when most of society thinks of a highly successful CEO or lawyer does not include tattoos. The only way to accurately answer the question of acceptability of tattoos in the workplace is to consider each situation on a case by case basis. In some professions they are not a problem at all while in others they can cause friction between staff members and management. There is not a single answer to the question because it is all about how they fit within the structure of the specific work environment. There are many factors in what is and is not acceptable in the workplace. Between the amount of contact between an employee and the clientele, the amount of professionalism involved in the position, the norms of the profession and the position itself, having a tattoo can make or break a potential job. Getting a tattoo s a conscious act, that being said, think before you ink and your let your own judgments tell you whether or not to get that visible tattoo. Goodman, M. (2008, June 19). Too Tattooed to work?. Retrieved from http://www. cnn. com/2008/LIVING/worklife/06/19/too. tattooed. to. work/ Gross, B. (n. d. ). Tattoos in the workplace: what’s an employer to do?. Retrieved from http://www. allbusiness. com/human-re sources/workforce-management-employee/4113152-1. html Klaus, Mary. â€Å"Tattoos in the workplace no longer a taboo. †Pennlive. com. 19 Jul 2009. Pennsylvania Local News, Web. 15 Nov 2009. How to cite Tattoos in the Workplace, Essay examples Tattoos in the Workplace Free Essays Tattoos in the Workplace Christina Responsive-Final Draft April 4, 2013 There is always a lot of controversy when it comes to tattoos. Most people instantly have an opinion of them; they are either for or against tattoos. What is not realized is the fact that there is a ton of time and effort put into the sketching and placement of a tattoo. We will write a custom essay sample on Tattoos in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now People tattoo themselves as a way of self-expression and liberation. Unfortunately, in the business world, most executives do not believe there is such a thing as a tasteful tattoo and see them as a sign of rebellion. Some people may argue that tattoos in the workplace are inappropriate, unprofessional, and even distracting. Although tattoos are not respected by certain demographics and may portray negative images that may be offensive, people should not be denied a career based on the personalized art they carefully chose to display on their bodies. Tattoos are not respected by most people in certain demographics. Displaying tattoos is considered taboo to them. There are also people within these groups who see tattoos as unholy and unrespectable. They claim that the body is a temple and no ink should taint the skin in such manner. People of these groups also believe that tattoos are trashy and of bad taste. If tattoos are in a visible place on someone’s body, such as the hands or neck, that person can and will get discriminated against because of their tattoos. Some people may question whether or not this is fair. Unfortunately, people can be very judgmental. Everyone has opinions as to what is acceptable and what is not. Tattoos happen to be a topic that can cause people to be extremely aggressive towards one another. In a business setting, tattoos portray a negative image and whoever has these tattoos will be viewed at first glance as someone who is unprofessional and uneducated. Some tattoos can be displayed in an offensive manner. If someone is displaying a tattoo that has derogatory language or some kind of hate symbol (such as a swastika), that is not acceptable. Most businesses shy away from hiring people with such body art because they think that these people will portray their company in a negative manner and it can be destructive to their business strategies when dealing with clients. Tattoos can cause more chaos han necessary when it comes to the workplace. However, people should not be denied a career because of the art they have on their bodies. Just because an individual has tattoos does not mean they are unprofessional or unworthy of a high-paying job. Colleges do not deny people an education because they have tattoos. If a person with tattoos has a higher education and a better back ground than someone without tattoos who is going for the same job, then the person with tattoos should get the job. But due to the nature of businesses, the person with less experience would most likely be the candidate picked based on appearance. In the workplace, when people look at someone that is covered in tattoos they automatically discriminate against this person. It is almost as if they think that image determines their demeanor and professionalism. This person can be the most courteous and professional person in the world, but no one would ever know because this person was not given a chance due to their appearance and the judgment of others. Most people in the business world think that if a person is inked they also have a poor education, which I believe to be contradictory. Artists are not often said to be uneducated, if anything, they are said to be inspirational and are highly respected. So, if artists and artwork is respectable, art that people decide to display on one’s own flesh should not be judged in such a terrible way. Most people have the tattoos that they have because tattoos display some sort of personal meaning to them. They very carefully pick what goes on their bodies; after all, it is going to be there permanently. Most tattoos have some kind of hidden meaning behind them, or very obvious meaning. People get tattoos in memory of loved ones who have passed so it is forever a part of them. Others just get something beautiful, something that makes a statement to who they are or what it is they enjoy. These traits are what make everyone individuals; these tattoos set everyone apart from the rest of the world. If people were not allowed to be individuals it would be a very boring and predictable life. People with tattoos should not be discriminated against. It is understood that some people find them negative or offensive and some businesses do not take kindly to hiring people who have branded themselves with tattoos that are in visible spots on one’s body. However, people who have such tattoos should not be judged. Tattoos do not make someone who they are; they don’t make people uneducated or unmotivated. There are many different reasons why people get tattoos, whether it is for some sort of memorabilia or to display what they enjoy. Tattoos set people apart from one another, and individuality should not be unacceptable in this day and age. People should be able to achieve the same opportunities whether or not they fit a specific profile. It is unfair to deny anyone rights due to the art displayed on their bodies. How to cite Tattoos in the Workplace, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
LUNG CANCER Essays - Lung Cancer, Small-cell Carcinoma,
LUNG CANCER WHAT IS LUNG CANCER? Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the lung. Normal lung tissue is made up of cells that are programmed by nature to create lungs of a certain shape and function. Sometimes the instructions to a cell go haywire and that cell and its offspring reproduce wildly, without regard for the shape and function of a lung. That wild reproduction can form tumours that clog up the lung and make it stop functioning as it should. Because of the large size of the lungs, cancer may grow for many years, undetected, without causing suspicion. In fact, lung cancer can spread outside the lungs without causing any symptoms at all. The majority of people who get lung cancer have been cigarette smokers, but not all people who smoke get lung cancer, many people who have never smoked before still get it. Some causes of lung cancer can include smoking, air pollution, vitamin A deficiency or genetic factors. SYMPTOMS OF LUNG CANCER Here are some symptoms of lung cancer -A cough is one of the more common symptoms and is likely to happen when a tumour grows and blocks an air passage. -Chest, shoulder, or back pain is another. -Shortness of breath, fatigue, repeated pneumonia or bronchitis, coughing up blood or swelling of the neck and face. The graph below shows some more symptoms and the frequency of each. THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF LUNG CANCER The type of cells found in a tumour determines the kind of cancer. The two main types of lung cancer are small cell and non-small cell. The term's small cell and non- small cell refer to the type of cell a doctor can see under the microscope, not to the size of the tumour. There are more than a dozen different kinds of lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma (also called oat cell carcinoma) This cancer usually starts in one of the larger breathing tubes, grows fairly rapidly, and is likely to be large by the time of diagnosis. Non small cell lung cancer: is made up of the following three subtypes: -Epidermoid carcinoma This cancer usually starts in one of the larger breathing tubes and grows relatively slowly. The size of these tumours can range from very small to quite large. -Adenocarcinoma carcinoma This lung cancer starts growing near the outside surface of the lung and may vary in both size and growth rate. Some slowly growing adenocarcinomas are call alveolar cell cancer. -Large cell carcinoma Starts near the surface of the lung, grows rapidly, and is usually large when diagnosed. The names of some of the uncommon types of lung cancer are carcinoid, cylindroma, mucoepidermoid, and malignant mesothelioma. Only about 5% to 10% of lung cancers are of these types. WHO GETS LUNG CANCER Studies show that people living in the United Kingdom have the highest risk of developing lung cancer the reason being is that the UK is a very industrialised country. People at the highest risk of receiving lung cancer include: -Those living in a Westernised society. - Those who smoke. - Those who are 60 or over. - Those who live in an urban environment. TREATMENT Treatment for non-small cell cancer is usually surgery. The only times when an operation will not be useful is if: 1. The cancer has spread outside the chest. 2. If the cancer is pressing on the major airways of the chest. 3. If the cancer is invading the trachea. 4. If the cancer is invading the heart or major blood vessels. 5. If there is fluid around the lung. 6. Or if there is loss of voice. Treatment of small-cell lung cancer can be chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery or immunotherapy. At the moment many scientists are trying to find a more reliable technique in curing lung cancer.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Definition and Examples of Free Relative Clauses
Definition and Examples of Free Relative Clauses In English grammar, a free relative clause is a type of relative clause (that is, a word group beginning with a wh-word) that contains the antecedent within itself. Also called a nominal relative clause, a fused relative construction, an independent relative clause, or (in traditional grammar) a noun clause. A free relative can refer to people or things, and it can function as a subject, a complement, or an object.Examples and Observations Nobody knows it, because nobody knows what really happened.(Donald E. Westlake, The Hook. Mysterious Press, 2000)We want to make sure that what were doing is really what we ought to be doing.(General Abrams in Vietnam Chronicles: The Abrams Tapes, 1968-1972, ed. by Lewis Sorley. Texas Tech University Press, 2004)You can say what you please. I burnt my English books and I didnt get a degree. All Im saying now, if Im allowed, is that Willie should get a degree. (V.S. Naipaul, Half a Life. Alfred A. Knopf, 2001)A man wearing the uniform of the Military Police had stepped into the unit and was just turning toward where she was standing. (Michael Palmer, The Fifth Vial. St. Martins Press, 2007)Look, Cynthiayou have a perfect right to disapprove. You go ahead and think whatever you want. Even if you want to be angry, then you be angry.  (Philip Roth, Letting Go. Random House, 1962)The way I hear it you can really put it away.Whoever told you that is a liar. Bledsoe straightened a way from the rail, started toward the barn. (Michael Joens, Blood Reins. Thomas Dunne Books, 2005) Antecedents in Free Relative Clauses The relative word in the nominal relative clause has no antecedent since the antecedent is fused with the relative: I found what (that which; the thing that) you were looking for; He says whatever (anything that) he likes. Because they are free of antecedents, such clauses are sometimes called independent or free relative clauses. (Tom McArthur, Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, 2005) A Headless Relative A relative clause which apparently lacks a head is called a free relative clause, also sometimes called a headless relative (though some argue that the head is present syntactically but phonologically empty, and hence that this is a misleading term). (R.E. Asher and ‎J.M.Y. Simpson, The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Pergamon Press, 1994) Characteristics of Free Relative Clauses [The] free relative clauses . . . [are] italicised in: (117a) What you say is true(117b) I will go where you go(117c) I dont like how he behaved toward her They are characterised by the fact that the wh-pronoun what/where/how appears to be antecedentless, in that it doesnt refer back to any other constituent in the sentence. Moreover, the set of relative pronouns found in free relative clauses is slightly different from that found in restrictives or appositives: e.g. what and how can serve as free relative pronouns, but not as appositive or restrictive pronouns; and conversely, which can serve as a restrictive or appositive relative pronoun but not as a free relative pronoun. (Andrew Radford, Analysing English Sentences: A Minimalist Approach. Cambridge University Press, 2009) Two Types of Free Relative Clauses: Definite and Indefinite The first type of free relative clause, the definite free relative clause, is introduced by a wh- word such as what, where, or when, as shown in (64). (64) Mark eats what he orders. . . . [V]erbs that are followed by definite free relatives beginning with what must be capable of being followed by nonhuman NPs. What Jim chose in (65a), a free relative, passes this test, as shown by (65b). (65a) Sally ordered what Jim chose.(65b) Sally ordered a hamburger/coffee/a piece of pie. Another test for definite free relatives is substituting that (thing) which for what, as shown in (66). (66) Sally ordered that (thing) which Jim chose. . . . The second type of free relative clause is an indefinite free relative clause, also called a conditional free relative clause because the words that introduce the clause (who(m)ever, whatever, whichever, whenever, and however) can be paraphrased with if, as show by (68a) and (68b), or regardless of, as shown by (68c) and (68d). (68a) Joan dances with whoever asks her to dance.(68b) If someone asks Joan to dance with him, she dances with him.(68c) Fred eats whatever Alice offers him.(68d) Regardless of whatever Alice offers Fred, he eats it. (Ron Cowan, The Teachers Grammar of English: A Course Book and Reference Guide. Cambridge University Press, 2008)
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Sharpen Up Your Writing A Quick Guide to Sentence Types
Sharpen Up Your Writing A Quick Guide to Sentence Types Sharpen Up Your Writing: A Quick Guide to Sentence Types Writing in grammatical sentences helps you to express yourself clearly, but there’s more to sentence structure than syntactical construction alone. It’s also important to consider the type of sentences you use. The four sentence types you need to know are simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentences. Simple Sentence Structure At its most basic, a simple sentence combines a subject and a verb to express a complete thought: I run. In the above, the subject is â€Å"I†and the verb is â€Å"run.†This is all the sentence needs to express that the speaker is someone who runs. Of course, not all simple sentences are quite so basic: My fitness-obsessed brother and I run at least five miles every day. This example includes more detail, but remains a simple sentence because it expresses a complete thought in itself. Another term for a simple sentence is an â€Å"independent clause.†Compound Sentences A compound sentence is a sentence with two or more independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction (e.g., â€Å"and,†â€Å"but,†â€Å"or,†â€Å"so,†etc.): I love my brother, and my brother loves running. I love my brother, but I hate running. In each of these cases, the statement on either side of the conjunction could work as a standalone sentence; however, by combining them in a compound sentence we clarify the relationship between the two thoughts expressed (e.g., that my hatred of running is why I don’t run). Complex Sentences Unlike simple and compound sentences, complex sentences contain both an independent and a dependent clause. A dependent clause is one that contains a verb, but doesn’t express a complete thought and begins with a subordinating conjunction (e.g., â€Å"although,†â€Å"after,†â€Å"while†, â€Å"unless†, etc.): I like to watch TV, whereas my brother enjoys running. Here, â€Å"I like to live watch TV†is an independent clause (i.e., it would work as a simple sentence without modification). The dependent clause â€Å"whereas my brother enjoys running,†on the other hand, would not work as a sentence by itself since the subordinating conjunction whereas implies a comparison and expresses a particular relationship between the two parts of the sentence. It’s worth noting here that subordinating conjunctions can also come at the start of a complex sentence (this is known as a periodic sentence): Whereas my brother enjoys running, I like to watch TV. Compound-Complex Sentences A compound-complex sentence is one which contains three or more clauses (at least two independent and one dependent): While I enjoy watching TV, my brother loves running, and my sister is a body builder. In the above, we have one dependent clause beginning with a subordinating conjunction (â€Å"While I enjoy watching TV†). This is followed by two independent clauses (â€Å"my brother loves running†and â€Å"my sister is a body builder†) joined by a coordinating conjunction. Now that you know how these different sentence types work, we hope youll use a variety of them in your writing!
Monday, February 17, 2020
Letter to the editor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Letter to the editor - Essay Example A leader should use synergy to relate to staff. Synergy is created by promoting self-management in the team. The team members should not be pushed to work but, instead they should have a collective responsibility. They should work under minimal supervisions and instructions. Each member should be committed to work without crossing each other’s path. They should learn to coexist with others and work together. The synergy enhances collective responsibility and this enables the team members to work in harmony. It also ensures everybody gets included in the decision making process of the team. The employees should be encouraged to share and offer advice to each other. Team members ought to be encouraged to try and experiment new ideas will help in the innovativeness of the team. The leader should create platforms for accountability and responsibility to ensure every team member has a role to play as this will minimize conflicts. A team leader should ensure there is communication in the team to avoid conflicts. He should offer supportive and open environment for free sharing of ideas and information. This can be ensured by convening frequent meetings and encouraging every member to be open. Every member should communicate and share the challenges he faces in their respective duties. The leader should find time with the individual team members, so that he gets informed on the challenges in the team. The leader should encourage collective responsibility in problem solving. This will encourage members to be united irrespective of their culture differences. Communication is a key factor to success as it enables the effective linking and coordination among the team members. When the members get well coordinated the team is rigid and purpose driven. It will also enhance respectful relations among the team members and reduce the level of conflicts in the organization. To manage conflicts a leader has to assign
Monday, February 3, 2020
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3
Human Resource Management - Essay Example In case a trade union is weak in membership strength as well as bargaining power, the organization is capable of benefiting from bargaining coverage through well-organised employer-organizations or even from state support through legal extensions for collective agreements to non-organised workers and non-unionised firms. In recent past, many union leaders have been willing to adapt to the labour market as well as the social policies to conquer the prevailing domestic challenges. In this paper, as consultants of UNITE we will conduct analysis of various factors that influence human motivation within a business and how the motivation affects performance. In addition, the paper also performs an analysis of the causes of conflict and alienation at work as well as the various methods used in resolving conflict the trade union. Membership is essential in trade unions and although trade unions differ in their traditions in the way they link their representation to the membership base, membe rship numbers remain a crucial component in trade unions’ organizational strength and a crucial element for legitimacy and recognition. Membership in trade unions determines people engagement in trade union activities, funds used to finance such activities, formal recognition as a representative organization as well as strategic effectiveness. Nevertheless, worker affiliation cannot be down played even when employees benefit individually from or even when the employees appreciate the outcomes of trade union activities in terms of high wages and improved job security. Benefits obtained by trade unions are offered to all people within a bargain unit even when they are not members of trade unions and regardless of whether the people favoured the demands of the union. Therefore, trade unions can be influenced by â€Å"free rider†problem where self-interested people are unwilling to bear individual costs of trade union representation if they can take advantage of trade uni on results of representation free. In addition, employer attitudes regarding trade union representation have the ability to influence perception concerning membership cost because union-avoidance practices can considerably decrease the tendency to join unions (Pedersini, 2010). For UNITE to overcome the problem of free rider, the organization can establish special arrangements like â€Å"closed-shop†rules that specify union membership within workplaces enclosed within collective agreements. As well, the trade union can increase benefits that accumulate to members by providing reserved services. Because of the social role of trade unions and their contribution, public authorities can also grant trade unions rights such as the ability to establish trade union structures within companies, establishment to workplace employee representation bodies and obligation of companies to provide information and consultation procedures with trade unions in specific circumstances. These meas ures can promote trade union membership because they warrant availability of trade unions within workplaces and maintain continuous relations in employees and strengthens their combined identity. An acknowledged institutional setting that offers support to trade union membership makes trade unions effective is the stipulation of unemployment remuneration (Pedersini, 2010). In recent past, the problems trade unions face in sustaining their
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Project plan for new restaurant
The Project plan for new restaurant Because there is small restaurant in The College of North Atlantic Qatar that provides limited services in quantity and quality. Therefore, this marketing research report is prepared in order to find out the possibility of success of the new restaurant that will take place in College next few months. The management decision problem that we need to solve is: Is there a need for a new restaurant in the College of North Atlantic Qatar? What is the possibility of its success? This management decision problem is related with many marketing questions such as: Are students satisfied with the current restaurants services in terms of prices, quality of food, and menu? Is there enough demand on the new restaurant? What type of food and services do students prefer in the new restaurant? What can the new restaurant do to increase demand over its services? This is what we need to know. We can get answers to these questions from students of the College of North Atlantic Qatar. Therefore, we need to develop approach to get information needed. In this project, we are going to make marketing research process step by step. This report is the second step in the project. The main purpose of this part is to tell about the approach of the report. It will exactly tell about primary and secondary information. Information Needs In order to deal with the management decision problem and marketing problem, following is a list of information required to be gathered by the research project. To make it easy, the information needs classified into categories as following: Prices Are students satisfied with the current restaurant services in terms of prices? Do students feel that the current restaurant prices are fair? Do students feel that the current restaurant prices reasonable? What is the limit of prices do students prefer in the new restaurant? Services Are students satisfied with the current restaurant services? What are problems with services of current restaurant? What are services students want to see in the new restaurant? What about quality of food provided at current restaurants? How do students evaluate staff skills at current restaurant? What additional services students want in the new restaurant? Do students look for high or limited service restaurant? Design and dà ©cor Are students satisfied with the current restaurant dà ©cor and design? What are problems with dà ©cor and design of current restaurant? What type of dà ©cor and design students want to see in the new restaurant? What additional dà ©cor students want in the new restaurant? What type of design do students prefer? Do students prefer traditional design? Food and drinks Are students satisfied with the current restaurant beverage? What are problems with menu of current restaurant? What are foods and drinks students want to see in the new restaurant? What type of food and drinks students want to see in the new restaurant? Advertising Are students satisfied with the current restaurant advertising method? What are preferred advertising methods for students? Do students prefer local newspapers or pouches as advertising tool for the new restaurant? Do students visit the website of the College regularly? Do students prefer SMS advertising? Secondary Research Findings A list of appropriate Advertising Media Options There are many advertising media options in order to advertise about the new restaurant. These options include: (Small Business Management, 2009) Newspaper: Almost every home receives a newspaper, either by newsstand or home delivery. Reading the newspaper is a habit for most families. And, there is something for everybody: sports, comics, crosswords, news, classifieds, etc. Magazines: They are usually weekly or monthly publications instead of daily. Advertising messages are more image-oriented and less price-oriented. The quality of the pictures and paper are superior to newsprint. Advertisements involve color more often. Radio: Radio, as a medium, offers a form of entertainment that attracts listeners while they are working, traveling, relaxing or doing almost anything. Radio media advertising is a relatively inexpensive way of reaching people. Television: Television is often called king of the advertising media, since a majority of people spend more hours watching TV per day than any other medium. It combines the use of sight, color, sound and motionand it works. Outdoor Advertising: When people think of Outdoor Advertising, they usually think of the colorful billboards along our streets and highways. Included in the outdoor classification, however, are benches, posters, signs and transit advertising (the advertising on buses, subways, taxicabs and trains) they are all share similar advertising rules and methods. Because there is no one best way to advertise our restaurant, and based on analysis of adverting media options, we decided to use posters and brouchers. There are many other ways to advertise inside the college such as mobile SMS, but we selected these methods as a starter of our advert strategy because it will cost less than the other methods and its really easy and effective way to deliver our message efficiently to the community of CNA-Q. Both will be distributed inside the buildings of the College of North Atlantic. In order to do so, we will first develop the content and design of the brouchers and posters. Then we will review them. After that, we will print about (100) posters and brouchers in different locations in the campus of the College. We will concentrate on the library, cafeteria, entrances, car parking, etc. The cost of preparing posters and brouchers include costs of printing, copying, and distribution. The cost will be about QR 500. Before distribution, we will get admission from the management of the College. Moreover, we will take care that we include information and figures attractive and show respect to Qatari traditions and culture. Population Numbers and Statistics on Consumers The Student Restaurant will operate and take place within the College campus. It will provide services not only to the College students but also the staff and faculty. There are about 2300 students at the College and the staff and faculty are about 568 (The College of North Atlantic Qatar website, 2010). The restaurant customers are: Male and female, Qatari and non-Qatari, with different levels of income, all are students, and there ages are between 19- up. The Student Restaurant will target all the College students regardless of their ages, department, nationality, or gender. The restaurant will also target all staff and faculty at The College of North Atlantic. Kind of business Our business is restaurant. In order to compete and attract customers, other restaurants in Qatar uses different ways such as providing low prices products, promotion, extensive advertising, free delivery, etc. According to one article, in order to attract customers to restaurant it is important to: Market your restaurant in public places: therefore we will market our restaurant in public areas in the College. Offer special deals: we will provide special deals as 5% discount, free coupons, etc. Sponsor different events: we will make communication to sponsor some activities within the College. Customer service: we will provide high quality customer service by high skillful staff (Setup my restaurant, 2010). We learn from previous part that we have specific target customer, and we can provide better services by considering the importance of marketing and customer service. Conclusion The main purpose of this part of the project was to tell about the approach of the marketing research project. Our analysis show that the management decision problem that we need to solve is: is there a need for a new restaurant in the College, and what is the possibility of its success? In order to collect information about student attitudes towards current restaurant services, prices, design, and menu, and in order to measure student attitudes towards the new restaurant, it is recommended to use the survey as a tool to collect information from sample of College of North Atlantic Qatar students.
Friday, January 17, 2020
General Mills Benefits Contribute to Success Essay
Robert Smith, a Congressman from Illinois, founded the Minneapolis Milling Company in 1856, along the St. Anthony Falls on the Mississippi River. Soon after Cadwallader Washburn and his brother William purchased the mill as a business investment. John Crosby joined the Washburn brothers as a partner in the milling business in 1877, forming the Washburn Crosby Company. Then in 1928, Washburn Crosby Company merged with several other mills to form General Mills. (Wikipedia) Since that time, people have enjoyed a variety of products manufactured by more than 34,000 employees internationally. Offering a flexible benefits package, General Mills empowers employees to select the type of benefits they find valuable to their individual lives. The success of the organization is ensured by providing more than the legally required benefits, which attracts, retains, and motivates employees. (Noe et al. 409) General Mills provides a variety of medical and dental benefits for employees and their eligible dependents. Eligibility for coverage begins on the first day of employment. A 401(k) savings plan and investment funds are offered as well. The organization provides a pension plan and retiree medical plan for eligible employees. A voluntary stock purchase program allows employees the opportunity to share in the organization’s success by owning stock in the company. General Mills offers flexible spending accounts that can be used to pay for out-of-pocket expenses associated with health and child care. Contemporary life insurance, disability, long-term care, legal, auto, and homeowners insurance programs are also available. In addition, the organization offers an extensive relocation assistance program. Employees are encouraged to continue their education in job-related courses which are financially reimbursed by the organization. Educational loans and scholarship opportunities are available for employees and their family members. Three weeks of vacation are given to new employees with automatic yearly increases. General Mills also offers employees a flexible work schedule along with many other perks. (G. M. Leading maker) The value of these benefits must be communicated to the employees in order for General Mills to achieve its goals of attracting, retaining and motivating its workers. General Mills believes that the expense of these benefits is far outweighed by the results achieved. The organization strives to establish an atmosphere, where employees feel appreciated and enjoy the challenges presented. This type of job satisfaction leads to quality production and low employee turn-over rates. Mike Davis, the senior vice-president of global human resources suggests that an accommodating and stimulating workplace â€Å"is critically tied to attracting and retaining top talent, driving innovation, and ultimately connecting with customers around the world†(Noe et al. 15). The excellent selection of benefits offered by General Mills affects those already employed, and the organizations’ ability to recruit new talent. General Mills has been voted one of the best companies to work for by its employees repeatedly over the years. (Noe et al. 414) The General Mills mission is not only to nourish lives, but make lives richer and healthier. Respecting, developing, and investing in employees, exhibits the strong core values with which General Mills has built its reputation for success.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
BACHMAN Surname Meaning and Family History
The Bachman surname has several possible origins. A topographical name for one who dwells by a stream, from the German bach for brook and mann for man. From the Hebrew ben chayim, meaning son of life. Surname Origin: Hebrew, Dutch, German Alternate Surname Spellings: BACHMANN, BAUGHMAN, BACKMAN, BOCKMAN, BOCKMANN, BECHMANN, BECHMEN, BECMAN, BAUCHMAN, BOUCHMAN Famous People with the Last Name BACHMAN Michele Bachmann - founder of the U.S. Congressional Tea Party CaucusRandolph Charles Randy Bachman - Canadian musician; best known as lead guitarist, songwriter and a founding member of The Guess Who and Bachman–Turner Overdrive Where is the BACHMAN Surname Most Common? The Bachman surname, according to surname distribution information from Forebears, is somewhat less common, found most prevalently in the United States. Within the U.S., individuals named Bachman are found in greatest numbers in states with a high number of past German immigrants, including Pennsylvania and Iowa. It is also a lot more common in Poland, than in Germany. The Bachmann spelling is much more common in Switzerland and Germany, where it ranks 26th and 157th, respectively. WorldNames PublicProfiler data demonstrates the same pattern, with Bachman most prevalent in the U.S. states of South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Iowa, as well as in Saskatchewan, Canada. Genealogy Resources for the Surname BACHMAN Bachman Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Bachman family crest or coat of arms for the Bachman surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. BACHMAN/BACHMANN/BAUGHMAN Y-DNA ProjectThe goal of the Bachman Y-DNA Project is to use DNA combined with traditional genealogy research to determine which of a number of descendants of Swiss and of early American Bachmann immigrants share common ancestors. BACHMAN Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Bachman ancestors around the world. Search the forum for posts about your Bachman ancestors, or join the forum and post your own queries. FamilySearch - BACHMAN GenealogyExplore over 360,000 results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Bachman surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. GeneaNet - Bachman RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Bachman surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. Ancestry.com: Bachman SurnameExplore over 490,000 digitized records and database entries, including census records, passenger lists, military records, land deeds, probates, wills and other records for the Bachman surname on the subscription-based website, Ancestry.com. ----------------------- Sources: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Music Of Music And Music Essay - 2736 Words
The same colors of music have been used to paint unique masterpieces throughout history. From Mozart to Michael Jackson and Beethoven to Bob Marley, the behaviors of sound– melodies, harmonies and chords– have been manipulated by individuals to communicate their soul’s message to the masses. The connections between music from the renaissance to contemporary tunes is quite surprising. The Beatles weren t the first ones to talk about love, life struggles or heartache. These have been common themes of everyone’s lives since Adam and Eve. Bob Marley and Michael Jackson took their own personal experiences and paired it with the universal language of music to connect with people. Through a multitude of albums and singles, these two artists created timeless pieces of music, some of which are still present on the top charts. Although some disagree with the fact that their music is timeless, by comparing the music of Michael Jackson and Bob Marley to music that is known as timeless, one can see the direct correlation. Although â€Å"good†music is completely opinionated, timeless music has been boiled down to a science. Enrique Rubio, Engineer, Writer and student of music, takes the lessons conveyed by Mozart and narrows it down to four reasons why he is such a well known leader in the music world. His inspiration, desire for constant learning, ability to absorb and adapt knowledge by staying focused and unbiased learning process are the qualities he has deemed to be â€Å"timeless†Show MoreRelatedMusic : Music And Music949 Words  | 4 Pagesdefinition of music is very different to many people. Some say that music is the arrangement of sound and silence. Others like myself say music is that and much more. Music is an aural form of art that is used to express emotion and touch the hearts of the listener through the use of phrasing, dynamics, style and tone color. Music is a very universal art form. There are not many people in this world who do not listen to at least some form of music weather it be pop or rock music on the radio, orRead MoreThe Music Of Music And Music1518 Words  | 7 Pageswill be. For instance, in the music section of my Perceiving the Performing Arts class, our Professor made the class, consisting of musicians and non-musicians, sing the next chord that he was going to play and we all successfully did. Just like with language, in a simple sentence we can assume the next word. Like in this sentence â€Å"the piano is out of __,†we expect the next word to be â€Å"tune.†This is because there’s some kind of neural connection that we have between music and pleasure. So how doesRead MoreMusic, Music And Music1293 Words  | 6 Pagessociety has evolved, but through music. It has been a vessel used to evince key emotions when words do not seem to be enough. The dulcet hum of the violin or even the sharp notes from an electric guitar are more than enough to express those intangible, yet impressionable feelings that cannot be fully appreciated through words. However, combine words and music together and the composer has a tool that can awaken a thousand souls all at once. Over the millenniums, music has had a profound ability toRead MoreMusic, Music And Music730 Words  | 3 PagesReporting the Southern sounds from the Web When delving into the historical music and sounds of the South for research purposes one might need to encounter a website with all the content they require. According to the website, https://folkways.si.edu/ known as â€Å"Folkways†, a subset page from the archives of the Smithsonian museum discusses material relating to the American South, but most of the content pertaining to music. With music being the primary focus of the website, it did not exclude text to appearRead MoreThe Music Of Music And Music1833 Words  | 8 Pagescaused Beethoven to become a genius in music performance and composition. Imagine if he wasn’t made to learn about music. Since he is one of the greatest influential composers in music, his knowledge wouldn’t have been passed down through the generations. Students shouldn’t be forced to learn about music like Beethoven was, but they can choose to love it on their own. They can only get this opportunity if music programs are adde d to part of their education. When music education classes are added to theRead MoreMusic And The Music Of Music1929 Words  | 8 Pagesbeen in both chorus and band, along with general music classes through fifth grade. Although, I did not have very much knowledge on music history or the many different music composers. My knowledge in music was mainly revolved around music theory and harmony. When the semester began I was not positive what was in store for me, however what I was sure about was two things. One, I would love whatever we learn for I have a deeply rooted love for music. And two, I would leave this class with an abundanceRead MoreThe Music Of Music And Music1876 Words  | 8 Pagescaused Beethoven to become a genius in music performance and composition. Imagine if he wasn’t made to learn about music. Since he is one of the greatest influential composers in music, his knowledge wouldn’t have been passed down through the generations. Students shouldnâ⠂¬â„¢t be forced to learn about music like Beethoven was, but they can choose to love it on their own. They can only get this opportunity if music programs are added to part of their education. When music education classes are added to theRead MoreMusic Is Music For The Sake Of Music1327 Words  | 6 PagesAbsolute music is music simply for the sake of music. This means music with no attached program or meaning. One is brought to wonder about absolute music; can it be that instrumental music can really have meaning? When one thinks of music with meaning, their mind is automatically drawn to think of program music, which is music with an attached meaning. Can our minds truly add meaning to instruments with no predisposed purpose? All through our lives we hear music on the radio, loud pumping music blastingRead MoreMusic : Music And Alternative Music978 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout time, music has become an innovation which influences generation after generation. It has always been a significant part of citizen everyday lives. It creates mixed emotions for every individual in any situation that they are a part of. There are many genres of music in specific cultures. All music has its own individuality to it but two in particular have unique and similar qualities, Indie music and Alternative music, through its musical structure, publishing with record labels, andRead MoreMusic And Music1120 Words  | 5 PagesBeyond the Patient Music being used to heal truly goes beyond just the patient. Music is capable of not only healing that patient, but also the families, staff, and artist. Families that have ill infants are often spending countless hours at the hospital. Even though that situation is never ideal for any family, they try to spend as much time with their little bundle of joy to let them know they are loved. As said prior, the hospital setting in itself is a stressor but not only for the patients,
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